Welcome to join our supportive and non-judgmental community!
Here you can discuss various topics concerning being in an extramarital relationship:
Share your experiences
Gush about your loved one
Cry when it's over
Understand yourself and your loved one better
Contemplate the pros and cons of your relationship
Understand common patterns in extramarital relationships
Get support during the transition to a relationship out in the open
Much more...
Here you can discuss various topics concerning being in an extramarital relationship:
Share your experiences
Gush about your loved one
Cry when it's over
Understand yourself and your loved one better
Contemplate the pros and cons of your relationship
Understand common patterns in extramarital relationships
Get support during the transition to a relationship out in the open
Much more...
Welcome to Our Forum! If you are or have been in an extramarital relationship, we invite you to join our forum. Here you will find others who know what it's like to be the other man/woman, the married other man/woman and the married man/woman.
Building a relationship w...
01-28-2023, 07:25 PM by Lily |
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Building a relationship w...
01-28-2023, 07:25 PM by Lily |
Introduce Yourself (Newcomers MUST Post Here First) IMPORTANT: Posting a short introduction here is REQUIRED in order to become a member. |
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01-09-2025, 04:07 PM by A99 |
Base Camp Post away and let us get to know you!
Sub Forums: |
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Single Other Man/Woman Support Single but not? Nonjudgmental support for the single other man/woman in an extramarital relationship. -
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Married Other Man/Woman Support Married and having an extramarital relationship with someone who is also married? Nonjudgmental support for the married other man/woman as it relates to your EMR. -
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Married Man/Woman Support Torn between the love for your spouse/SO and the love for your other man/woman? Or just happy with the situation as it is? Nonjudgmental support for the married man/woman in an EMR as it relates to the marriage and having two relationships. -
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Emotional EMR Support When your EMR has crossed the line of emotional intimacy but not physical intimacy. Or returned to emotional intimacy only -
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Gushing A place to gush about all the good stuff in your EMR -
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Transitions In-between an EMR and a relationship in the open
Sub Forums: |
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Curtains This section is for posters whose EMRs are ending. Post here for support during these confusing and painful times. -
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Beyond the EMR 6 months or more out of your EMR. Problems with letting go. Still struggling. Healing. Updates. -
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EMR Grief Support Support for MP/OP/MOP who lost an EMR partner -
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Odds & Ends General discussions about EMRs. This & That. Leftovers. -
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True Support Site - Questions and Suggestions Practical matters Wondering about a TS policy or wanting to discuss its validity? This is the place for such discussions.
Sub Forums: |
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Forum Statistics |
We currently have 3,377 members registered. Please welcome our newest member, Stevenfliet Our members have made a total of 451,802 posts in 19,521 threads. |
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Please note: The suggestions and advice offered on this website are opinions only and are not to be used in the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice. If you or someone close to you is currently in crisis or in an emergency situation, contact your local emergency number or a counselor nearby.